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I dedicate this blog to my loving husband, my two beautiful children, my dearest friends & family. Thank you for always loving me and enjoying my food. You are my inspirations for any new creations I make.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Charlotte aux fraises

This is one of family's favorites... charlotte aux fraises. The strawberries, white chocolate, vanilla pudding and sponge fingers combine all the tastes that make us drool. Absolutely perfect for summer time. The recipe here is adapted from Christelle Le Ru with her book Simply Irresistible French Desserts.

250 gr strawberries
30 sponge fingers
130 gr white chocolate
vanilla pudding:
4 egg yolks
1 egg
100 gr white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
50 gr sifted flour
500 ml milk
100 ml fresh creamDirections:
1. Place the ring of an 18 cm loose-based roung baking tin on a serving dish.
2. Cut 1 cm off one end of the sponge fingers and place them cut-end down to line the inside of the tin.
3. Crush the left-over pieces and remaining sponge fingers and press inside the ring using your fingers or the bottom of a glass.
4. Melt white chocolate over the heat of hot water and spread over the sponge fingers. Leave to cool.
5. When set, place strawberries over the chocolate.
6. Cover with vanilla pudding and decorate with the reserved strawberries. Grate remaining white chocolate and scatter over the top of the charlotte. Refrigerate for at least four hours.

Vanilla pudding:
1. Mix egg yolks, egg and white sugar.
2. Add vanilla essence and stir in sifted flour.
3. Bring milk and fresh cream to the boil in a saucepan, pour over the egg mixture while mixing
and return to the pan. Cook over low heat, mixing continuously, for 10 minutes or until thick.


Anonymous said...

wow..menggoda banget pengen di comot..
Keren2 Lintang resep2nya dan photo2 makanannya. Salam kenal ya dari saya, dan bleh di link di blog saya ga ? makasih..:)

Lintang Dewani said...

@abby - tentu aja boleh dong di add.. nanti saya mau add kamu jg yaa.. trims :)

