The recipe of this apple salad, I found it again from an old cooking book which I bought 15 years ago. The book itself is already broken here and there, but I still can manage saving most of the recipes which make me really happy because most of the recipes are still original as my (grand)mother(s) used to cook. It's really a treasure for me.
This salad fits together very well. The sweetness comes from the honey, the freshness comes from the apples and the creamy yoghurt and whipped cream make it rich yet light and not to mention the crunchy nuts it between... so yummie and refreshing!!

Apple Salad
(source: Book "Dapur Pintar")
1/2 kg apples
100 cc whipped cream
100 cc yoghurt
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon lime juice
50 gr cashew nuts, roughly chopped
50 gr peanuts, roughly chopped

1. Peel and dice apples. Marinate in salt water to keep the color stays good. Put aside.
2. In a bowl whisk the whipped cream, yoghurt, honey and lime juice together.
3. Pour the dressing over the apples and scoop everything together. Finally sprinkle with peanuts and cashew nuts.