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I dedicate this blog to my loving husband, my two beautiful children, my dearest friends & family. Thank you for always loving me and enjoying my food. You are my inspirations for any new creations I make.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fried Rice With Red Curry

Fried Rice With Red Curry

Another lesson to cook economically..:o))
Leftover food.. hmmm. I don't know why, maybe I cook too much or my family eats so little... I always have leftover, not in big amounts, but not enough to be eaten for 4 people and too much for 1 persoon. So here I have another idea to create something else and slightly different than classic nasi goreng. This time instead of using sambal I add with red curry. It really tastes special and rich... and my hubby loves it... :o)

This is also my entry for event Masak Bareng Yuk!!! (Let's Cook Together!!!).

See the ingredients I got here:
Steamed rice
Leftover fried chicken, shredded
2 cloves garlic
2 kemiri nuts
Salt, pepper & chicken stock powder
Red curry paste (it's more spicy than sambal, use wisely..)
Kecap manis (Indonesian dark sweet soysauce)

1. Heat the oil in the wok. Stir fry crushed garlic and kemiri nuts until fragrant.

2. Add the leak and a teaspoon red curry. Stir fry until leak soft.

3. Add shredded chicken, stir fry thoroughly.

4. Add the rice, few spoons kecap manis and if necessary add a bit water to moist, stir fry until all ingredients blend together. Ready to serve.


Rurie said...

Cicip Lin :) pasti mantep pake red curry..

Jagungmanis said...

wah,unik juga nih nasgor pake bumbu kari...

thank you buat entry nya di masbar bulan ini.


naanaaa said...

salam kenal ya, saya baru dengar redcurry, kepikirannya pasti banyak sambalnya, eh ternyata betul. pedes nasgornya?

doyannulis said...

aih...nasgornya komplet pake step by step pula...

Lintang Dewani said...

@Rurie: lebih pedes rur.. megoh megoh abis makan ini.. hehehe

@deeTha: trims kembali

@naanaa: salam kenal kembali.. pedes banget say.. sini nyicipin..:o)

@Maneki: iya, buat temen2 bule yg gak ngerti bikinnya..:o)

Masak Bareng said...

Pinjam fotonya buat round up, boleh ya?? Tolong kirim ke

Team Masak Bareng.

Dwiana P said...

Lintang, gw dateng mau icip2 nasgor lo. Yummy nikmatnya hahaha:)

Masak Bareng said...

Lintang.. makasih ya udah ikutan masak bareng :D

Boleh ga pinjem photo nasgornya utk dibuat round up nasgor dirmh masak bareng. krm ke emilku ya:

Team MasBar


