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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pineapple Cookies / Nastar

Idul Fitri cookies are not complete without these pineapple cookies. It got to be there, available on every table of every people houses. When I was little, I used to help my mother to make these cookies. It was hard labour because my mother always made thecookies so much, more than you could imagine. Not for selling, but for people who would visit us and also for ourself (my mother has five children, and we all loved cookies...). I still miss that moment sometimes, especially since I become a mother myself... My children are not so interested to help me in the kitchen. My son is 12 years-old, a boy who prefers to live in his own world now and my daughter, she's just 3,5 years-old, still too small to help. But they're lovely kids, they help me by tasting the cookies and if it's good, they'll appove it. And I love it!!!

Well, these are my final cookies I make within 2 weeks period. Tiring? Yes.. but I'm happy it's done. So until next year, to the next Ramadhan.. then I'll make these cookies again..:D

120 gr butter/margarine
120 gr icing sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg
225 gr flour, sifted
2 egg yolks

Pineapple jam:
400 gr pineapple, blended
50 gr castor sugar

1. Make first the pineapple jam:
Put the blended pineapple in a sauce pan with sugar. Cook and stir occasionally the pineapple until thick and the liquid gone. Leave to cool.
2. In a big bowl beat the butter, sugar, vanilla and egg until soft and light.
3. Add flour and then mix it with spatula.
4. Take a bit dough, make it flat. Fill it with pineapple jam, then make a shape of a small ball. Do the same with the rest of the dough until finished.
5. Bake them in the oven at temperature of 150°C for about 35 minutes.

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